Creating a pay stub for small business owners
April 30, 2017
Small business owners face unique challenges getting loans, even with excellent credit. One tool that they can use is a pay stub. Here's how to use Pay Stub Depot to make pay stubs based on your tax return to prove your income.
- Find your annual salary from your income tax return for last year
- Log onto Pay Stub Depot
- Click on Build Your Pay Stub at the top of the screen to go to our paystub generator
- Select your state
- Choose your Marital Status
- Choose how you're paid.
- Click on the Salary radio button
- Type in your annual income from your tax return
- Choose how many exemptions you have
- Enter your local tax rate, if any
- Enter your business name and address
- Enter your name and address
- Enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number
- Scroll down to the bottom of the screen
- Choose how many pay stubs you need
- Click on the Preview button
- Review your pay stubs and after you've verified that they're correct, click on the Buy Now button and buy your real pay stubs from Pay Stub Depot's pay stub generator
- Use your tax return and your paystubs to verify your income so you can get the loan that you need!