How do I make a great looking paycheck stub?
August 23, 2017
It's easy to generate a great looking pay stub using Pay Stub Depot's paystub generator! Start by clicking here.
Then all you need to do is follow these simple instructions:
- Pick what state or United States territory you live in from the pop up menu
- Choose your marital status. Are you single or married?
- Choose how often you're paid. Weekly, every other week, monthly, twice a month, or if you're a CEO who only get's one pay check a year.
- Click the radio button for either Hourly or Salary
- Enter your pay rate
- If you're paid hourly, enter how many hours you were paid for the pay period
- If you started your job recently, change the default Pay Period in the pop up menu. If you worked there for the full year leave the default Pay Period.
- If you're a Contractor who is paid with a 1099 form click the Contractor checkbox.
- Choose how many exemptions you're claiming. Most people should claim themselves and their children.
- If you pay local taxes enter your local tax rate. If your local tax rate is 1%, enter 1 for the local tax rate.
- If you receive tips, enter your tips into the form.
- If you want a pay stub with $0 withholdings, choose Turn off auto calculation from the pop up menu. Most people don't need to do this.
- Enter your employer name and address. Be careful to enter the name properly! Don't enter "dennys" instead of "Denny's"!
- Enter your name.
- Enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number
- If you need to change the Pay Period (Reporting Period) or Pay Date, your Employee Number, or the Check Number, enter the correct values.
- Look over the numbers to make sure that they look right
- Choose how many pay stubs you need from the pop up menu. Most people need 3 month's worth of pay stubs.
- Click on the PREVIEW PAY STUB button

That's all there is to making a great looking pay stub online! It's quick and easy and it only takes a couple of minutes.