Solar panels during a long power outage.
November 23, 2022
I bought my house in Cape Coral in 2017 after Hurricane Irma hit us. I bought solar panels so that I wouldn't lose power the next time a hurricane hit us and they worked when Hurricane Ian hit us in 2022!! Read more
Pay Stub Depot updates our tax withholding tables every year.
December 26, 2021
Pay Stub Depot's paystub maker is the only one on the market that automatically calculates taxes correctly for Federal Income Taxes, Social Security, Medicare, and State Taxes! We use The USA Tax Foundation to update our tax rates for all 50 states and Washington D.C.. And we download Publication 15-T from the IRS web site every year for our Federal tax withholding! Read more
I like breathing clean air and drinking clean water. Don't you?
November 1, 2021
There's a lot of discussion about "climate change", which really means "climate change caused by humans". A lot of the discussion is political, but let's be honest. I don't know anyone who wants to drink polluted water or breathe dirty air. So what can we do? Read more
What red flags are landlords looking for?
October 19, 2021
In the age of COVID-19 that we're living in renting an apartment is harder than ever! Landlords want references, credit reports, pay stubs, proof of income, criminal background checks, blood tests, addresses for the last few years, and our first born before they'll rent to us! And then they pour over everything trying to find an excuse to NOT rent to us! It's almost like they don't want any tenants and they want empty apartments instead! Read more
How can I fake proof of income?
May 26, 2021
The big question of today, especially with COVID-19, is, "How can I fake proof of income?" Pay Stub Depot is your answer! Read more
How can I make a legit pay stub?
February 24, 2021
Making a legit pay stub is easy when you're using the right tool. Pay Stub Depot's real check stubs generator is the best tool you can use to make legit pay stubs. Our paycheck stubs look great, include local taxes, and do all of the math to calculate your taxes for you! Read more
What makes Pay Stub Depot your best source for real check stubs?
February 22, 2021
Pay Stub Depot's online paycheck stubs are the best in the industry. They look great, they do all of your math for you, and they include both local taxes and tips! Read more
I'm an OnlyFans Performer and I have a Premium Snapchat. How can I get a real check stub?
September 2, 2020
With the Coronavirus shutting the country down thousands of men and women have turned to Premium Snapchat and OnlyFans to pay their rent and put food on the table and you're one of them. You don't get real pay stubs but you still need to prove your income. Read more
Would you like to retire some day?
August 26, 2020
Would you like to retire some day? I don't know about you, but I want to retire and enjoy living instead of working for the rest of my life! Read more
I made a mistake on my real paycheck stub. How do I fix it?
August 13, 2018
When you make a mistake on your real pay check stub from Pay Stub Depot, just use our Contact Us form to send us an email and our helpful, friendly, courteous customer service staff will make the corrections and send you an updated paystub. Read more
You can download Pay Stub Depot's real paycheck stubs instantly!
November 29, 2017
Many of our customers have asked us for the ability to download their real paycheck stubs immediately after they purchase them and we listened! Read more
I saw Christmas decorations when I was shopping today. How much can I afford to spend on Christmas presents?
October 30, 2017
I was out shopping this week and I saw Christmas decorations in a few stores and after I got over being outraged because it's not even Halloween yet, I realized that it's time for me to start doing my Christmas shopping. What is it with stores today? It's still October and they're putting up Christmas decorations? I thought opening on Thanksgiving was bad, but this is terrible! Read more
My business records got destroyed in the hurricane. How can I generate replacement pay stubs for my employees so they can get aid?
September 24, 2017
Thousands of small businesses in Texas and Florida recently had all of their records, including their payroll records, destroyed by the hurricanes. They are trying to pull things together so that they can rebuild their businesses and their employees are trying to rebuild their lives and they all need thier pay stubs so that they can get financial assistance. What can they do? Read more
How do I prove my income?
August 28, 2017
I hear this question all of the time and it's why I created this web site. "I need to show proof of income so that I can get a car or an apartment. How can I prove my income?". Read more
How do I make a great looking paycheck stub?
August 23, 2017
It's easy to generate a great looking pay stub using Pay Stub Depot's paystub generator! Start by clicking here. Read more
Pay Stub Depot's online pay stub generator includes local taxes
August 4, 2017
Do you live in a city that has local income taxes? I do and when I need a paycheck stub I need it to include my local income tax withholdings in addition to federal and state taxes. When we were building Pay Stub Depot, we realized that none of the online paystub generators included local taxes and we decided that our paycheck stub generator would create real pay stubs that people living in cities like New York, Philadelphia, Detroit, and many others who pay local income taxes could use. Read more
Pay Stub Depot's real pay stubs now include tips
July 21, 2017
We've been asked by several potential customers if our pay stubs have a way for bartenders, waiters, and waitresses to create pay stubs that include tips. We heard you and now our answer is yes! We are the only online pay stub generator in the industry where you can add in your tips when you're building a real pay stub and buy a professional pay stub that calculates all of your tax withholdings for you! Read more
Using your pay stub to calculate your monthly budget
July 9, 2017
Putting together your monthly budget so that you have money left over at the end of the month instead of month left over at the end of the money requires using your pay stub so that you know how much money you have to spend. Here's how I do my monthly budget. Read more
Why should I use Pay Stub Depot to make pay stubs online?
June 23, 2017
Why should I use Pay Stub Depot to make pay stubs online when there are so many other online paystub makers? There's even one that's free! Why should I pay to create a pay stub online when I can simply use the free one? Because you get what you pay for, that's why! Read more
Use your pay stubs to plan for your retirement
June 19, 2017
I don't know about you, but the reason that I go to work is so that i can do things that I want to do. I'm lucky that I enjoy my career, but my goal is to stop working for a paycheck and spend 7 days a week living instead of the 2 days a week that I get on my weekends now. One of the tools that I use to plan for my retriement is my real paycheck stub. Read more
Paycheck stub security is important!
June 9, 2017
Pay check stub security is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself from identity theft. The only document that an identity thief wants more than your real pay stub is your income tax return, although your driver's license is useful to them too. Read more
Understanding your pay check stub
June 3, 2017
I'm surprised at how many people don't understand their paycheck stubs, although considering the state of the country's education system I probably shouldn't be. If your school district let you graduate without teaching you what a pay stub is, you need to read more
There are so many fake pay stubs out there. How can I tell a fake paystub from a real pay stub?
June 2, 2017
One of the challenges that lenders face with the rapid improvements in technology is being able to determine the difference between real pay stubs, like the ones created by Pay Stub Depot, and fake pay stubs created by cheap imitators. Ten years ago it was easy to tell a real paystub from a fake paystub. Today, not so much. Read more
I'm embarassed about where I work and I need a car. What should I do?
May 27, 2017
Some of us have jobs that we're not very proud of. You know who you are because you've experienced it. You're out at a bar talking with a beautiful woman and when you tell her that you're a car salesman all of a sudden she's not interested any more. Or you're at a PTO meeting and when it's time for introductions you tell everyone that you're an exotic dancer because you're embarassed to admit that you're a lawyer. Read more
I work for tips. How can I get an apartment or a car without a pay stub?
May 25, 2017
Millions of honest, hard working people in this country are paid mostly or completely in tips. They either don't get real pay stubs or their paystubs are only for a couple of bucks and don't show how much they really earn. Read more
Pay Stub Depot, a cost effective solution to generate check stubs for your employes!
May 18, 2017
One thing that I hear from business owners is, "I already have an accounting package. Why should I use Pay Stub Depot to generate check stubs for my employees? I can just pay the company that I buy my accounting package more and use it." You can, but doing that is expensive. Read more
How can my business create accurate pay stubs?
May 14, 2017
For businesses that have employees across the country, keeping up with the tax codes in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia is a nightmare. Every state's tax code is different and the elected politicians change the tax rates constantly! An online pay stub generator like Pay Stub Depot is the solution! Read more
How long do I need to keep my paystubs?
May 13, 2017
Why should I keep my pay stubs? I don't need to keep them, right? No, not necessarily. You need to keep your financial records for 7 years for the IRS in case you're audited and pay stubs are part of your financial records. Read more
Why should small business owners generate paystubs online?
May 7, 2017
Small business owners don't have the luxury of a dedicated human resources department, let alone a dedicated payroll department. Yet their employees and the government expect them to keep up with the ever changing income tax regulations. One solution for small businesses to generate pay stubs online is to use Pay Stub Depot! Read more
I'm self employed. How do I create a pay stub?
April 30, 2017
Small business owners face unique challenges getting loans, even with excellent credit. One tool that they can use is a pay stub. Read more
Who needs pay stubs and why?
April 23, 2017
Everyone needs pay stubs, especially people who are self employed and people who work for tips such as bartenders, bouncers, waiters, and waitresses. Read more
Minimize your income tax refunds
April 16, 2017
Now that tax season is over, it's time to reevaluate how much money was withheld from your paycheck every pay period. In 2016, the average tax refund was $2,860. Sounds great, doesn't it? After all, who doesn't want an extra couple of thousand dollars? Well, not so fast..... Read more
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